Tasty Treats, Tears and Extreme Heat Issues

Stop the world! I want to get off. Is what goes through my head approximately every half hour. When it is not I am OK, top of the world, well probably about 3/4 of the way up, but I am much happier there than in the bottomless pit of murky water I seem to constantly be treading over the last couple of days.

I came back to work yesterday after the bank holiday, it was nice to be back in a routine, by routine I mean having reason to do things. Seeing happy faces I have come to love being around and generally not being in the green house crying over bath bombs. The day was OK, again very hit and miss emotions wise, I was not sure how I felt, even when I was feeling these things. I found myself walking around aimlessly at lunch calling the Beard and moaning, then getting off the phone and feeling sad that I just called him to moan. But back in the office, work and my co-workers kept me upbeat and OK.  Mid afternoon, my phone went off and it was a message from my BBF saying he wanted to make me a deal? my first thought was FFS, where will I be running him to know in the early hours as he sets of to work his swanky job, but I simply replied 'OK, what?' I was surprised. the deal was if I called the White Pheasant in Fordham and booked a table for their taster menu, he would treat me. Now this is a deal I can work with, even though I would of course ran him to what ever train station at what ever time, that's what friends do, but this was better than that. it was FOOD!! The Beard, being The Beard opted out 'I don't want poncy food' now this doesn't mean he does not appreciate how delicious it is, but to him, eating is a necessity and he don't even give him self chance to enjoy it as soon as its near his mouth, he inhales and its gone, but he would come join us later. Then after I had a food coma coming on The Beard and The BBF could be boys on the Playstaion. Perfect. Instantly I felt happiness. I didn't have the prospect of going home to my beautiful house and crying for no reason other than it was too hot.

The journey home was weird, I mean I was very hungry so excitement was top level, I was going somewhere I had heard great things about and I was going to be fed, so no cooking. But my palms were sweaty and I knew my body, as it does everyday was telling me I was anxious about 6pm jab time.

Walking into the house was like walking into a sauna that had been turned up way over the 'safe' level of heat and I felt like a sausage about to sizzle in a pan within about 2.3 seconds, I ran upstairs and I flung all the windows open and stripped down to my underwear, this body temperature thing was way out of control. I swear in the middle of the night last night, you could of friend an egg on me. I started to Cry (sigh, again) and I then proceeded to jab whilst Nik watched me and then realised I had 20 mins to get ready. Cue sweating my tits off and sliding of my face make up and I was then ready.

The place, the food and the company, made me ever so happy, and it was a perfect evening, lots of laughter, lots of watching the boys play Playstation and lots of AMAZING FOOD!! The BBF once again cracking me up trying to teach himself how to roll his R's, give up mate, you are shit! But it was a perfect evening. This made me realise, keeping busy and having something to do, is the way forward. So if  anyone wants to entertain me, join me on outings and just be 'stop Emma from Crying' please do get in touch. The Beard is wonderful, but I am very, very aware it is his journey too, so also want him to keep his head straight (he will as hes super cool) and to still have his life. he is my husband, not my babysitter after all.

The night was awful, the heat was unbearable, the traffic was loud and The Beard, bless his heart, ended up in the spare room. Today I have been searching for fans and air con units but have done nothing to actually obtain one and am already dreading this eve. If you see a mad women walking the streets in her pants crying, please don't admit me, check its me first, look for my Mini Mouse tattoo on my the inside of my right wrist, cover me up and take me home, or too an Air conditioned garage, that will be fine. M&S Is perfect.

Hoping for a better evening this evening, the weather has turned to most peoples horror, to my absolute delight.

A Desperate Mummy To Be XXX


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